Frequently Asked Questions

Where are your offices located ?

Our offices are located in Ampelokipon 35, Perea, Thessaloniki,Greece

I cannot find my destination on your list.

Please do not hesitate to email us and we will be happy to provide a quote.

Which are my alternatives regarding payment?

You can pay in cash to the driver or via paypal through your online booking.

Does children and infants count as normal passengers.

Yes, children and infants count as normal passengers.

I have proceedeed with my booking and I have not received a confirmation e-mail.

You will get a pending booking email instantly when you press the book button.
Once your booking is confirmed you will get another email which is also your travel voucher. Please, have it with you as it contains emergency contact information.
Some e-mail may not be received due to anti-spam filters. Please,always check your spam folder.

I want to change my booking. How do I proceed?

You may modify your booking at any time up to 48h prior to the service. Please email us and we will process your request.

How can I cancel my transfer?

You can cancel your transfer in case something happens by sending as an email in

How will I find you at the airport?

The driver will be at the airport arrival hall, holding a sign with your name, so you can recognize him immediately.

What happens if I can’t find my driver at the airport?

You have a 24 hour emergency telephone number on your voucher. Please call us and we will assist you immediatelly.

Ιf my arrival delays, what will happen

We inspect every flight and be aware for any delay. Our driver will be waiting for you without any additional charge for .flight delays from original scheduled flight time of up to 60 minutes. For flight delays over 1 hour you must contact us in advance and we will advise accordingly.

Do you provide a baby seat ?

We provide a baby seat. Please make sure you mention your inquiry and the age of the child in the booking form.

What is the luggage policy for transfers?

Luggage must be declared when you make your service booking request.
The vehicle to transport you will be adequate for the number of people travelling and luggage contracted. In the event of additional vehicles being required to transport an excess of undeclared luggage, the passenger will be held responsible for covering any additional costs.